Hydraulic table top test pumps - HOP VIET TECH CO., LTD

Hydraulic table top test pumps

“Calibration will ensure production, operation and business operations more efficiently and safely”, especially in this day and age when many measuring devices, sensors, and automation are used. more and more in all areas of business activities.


  1. SAVE COST of machine unwanted-stop and maintenance. Because this 1 standard can be re-calibrated for all equipment temperatures/factory capacities. Use to the masterme test the device metessation when buy new, install the table of the met-sensor variable … As well as the attendant monitor the machine’s state operation for better Room Maintenance work.
  2. SAVE TIME: no need to remove sensor-instruments and send out for calibration, it can be done on-site on the production line, in the factory workshop or in the Factory’s Lab. More proactive for production and operation.
  3. INCREASE THE MACHINE RELIABILITY: for better and safer of production, quality control.

Sika Pressure and Temp calibrator are suitable for factories with many sensors and measuring devices, and temperature and pressure parameters are directly related to the quality of products-services for the company such as Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food and Beverage, Paper-Dyeing, Plastic-Rubber-Tires, Iron and Steel, Cement, Shipbuilding And Marine, Oil & Gas, Power Plants. Machine Manufacturing Company, Boiler Manufacturing Company and Technical Service Company: construction and installation, measurement-calibration, inspection for labor safety & production.


+ Production and quality assurance (QA/QC).

+ Maintenance-repair, workshop, machine installation handover, acceptance.

+ Measurement Dept-Laboratory.

SIKA PRESSURE CALIBRATOR is suitable for factories who using many pressure sensors, pressure gauge and the PRESSURE parameters directly related to product quality such as Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food & Beverage, Paper – Textile, Plastic-Rubber-Tire, Steel, Cement-Mining, Shipbuilding And Marine, Oil & Gas, Thermal Power Plant-Wind Power.

The Machine OEM Maker Company, Boiler Maker, and Technical Service Company of machine installation, calibration and safety services.


+ Production and quality assurance (QA/QC).

+ Maintenance-repair, workshop, machine installation handover, acceptance.

+ Measurement Dept-Laboratory.